GDPR WARS - Technology Strikes Back

By EBC Group
schedule2nd Jan 18

OK, I know what you're thinking... Just what we all want to see, another blog about GDPR!

The task of ensuring you are ready to comply with GDPR can be extremely challenging and whilst a lot of companies are starting to understand what they need to do, they are still not sure of the practical steps to auditing and managing personal data in order to stay compliant with GDPR regulations.

I know GDPR is a hot topic right now and there is a lot of content about this subject.

You may know what GDPR is, but are you unsure which technologies can help you along the GDPR path? If so then this will hopefully bring you a new hope (see what I did... sorry no more I promise)

By employing the right technology things become much easier!

So what steps do you need to take and what technology sits alongside each step?


Identifying what data you hold is the first battle, as one of the first steps on the GDPR pathway is to run a "Data Inventory" because you cannot protect personal data if you:

 src=FileFacets you can actually audit your data located on your Servers, Desktops, Exchange, SharePoint etc. and identify what documents contain personal information.

FileFacets allows you to flag the files that contain personal information so that you can protect them.


So now you know what you have, how do you ensure it's kept secure?

Using FileFacets you can migrate the data into an information management solution like M-Files. You can then ensure only the required documents are moved and are secured correctly.

M-Files automatically sets permissions on documents that contain personal information and ensure that the document is reviewed correctly via workflows.

 src=M-Files it becomes simple to manage your data because once it's being held within M-Files you can begin to leverage the power of its information, such as:

  • Does the file contain personal information?
  • Who is the data for? 
  • When should it be removed?


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